1. Copy From Pdf To Excel 2016
  2. Copy Table From Pdf To Excel Mac
  3. Copy Pdf To Excel
Active1 year, 2 months ago

I have a table of data and I need to get it into Excel. I found a few websites that suggested copy and paste into MS Word and then use the 'Convert Text to Table' which unfortunately doesn't work as the columns come in with a space in between them but if I choose space as the column separator it breaks up columns that have multiple words in them into different columns.

Drag your PDF into the 'Convert' window. Click and drag the PDF's icon onto the 'Convert' window, then release the mouse to drop it there. A window will open to the right of the 'Convert' window. How to convert PDF to Excel? In this tutorial, I'll show you how to convert PDF to Excel worksheet as well as simple and free way to copy it over and format it correctly. Share this video: https.

Is there a better recommended way to get a table from a PDF file into Excel?

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3 Answers


The whole thing is much simpler than mentioned in the other answer.

In Acrobat/Reader, choose the Text Selection tool, and bring your table into full view.

Now press the Ctrl/Option key and select the table. You will notice that the cursor changes. When the selection is complete, you can copy and paste into Excel.

Max WyssMax Wyss

I would like to suggest you VBA Code, this will Transpose the Copied Data Table from PDF to Excel.

Follow below written steps.

  1. Copy Table Data from PDF file.
  2. Paste in Excel sheet in a Column.
  3. Run the VBA code.

Check the Screen Shot.

NB:The Data I've used to TEST the code has 3 Column(RED Colour Value), so that with For Loop Step & Resize value is 3. You change according to your Data structure.

Hope this help you.

Rajesh SRajesh S
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A bit late to the party, but for the benefit of anyone finding this via Google:

There are plenty of free web services you can use for this instead of struggling with copy pasting via Word etc. Picking the right service depends on your PDF and needs.

Is the entire file a table and you want to convert it all?-> Try https://smallpdf.com/pdf-to-excel

Are there individual tables, e.g. on a page with lots of other text, you want to copy?-> Try https://tabellopdf.com

Is your PDF a scanned file (i.e. it is actually an image saved as a PDF)?-> Try https://www.pdftoexcel.com/


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Active1 year, 6 months ago

I have a large amount of pdf files from which i would like to copy all the data in the file to a column in a spreadsheet.

Here is the code i have been. All it does is open the pdf, use control-a, then control-c to copy then activates the workbook, finds an open column and pastes the data with a control-v Sendkey. It works fine however it only pastes the lastdata from the very last file (i have a range with path names it opens and copies data from all but only actually pastes the last one).


5 Answers

Jeanno's right, if you have Acrobat then using its API library to work with the file directly is much better than the workarounds. I use this every day to convert pdf files into database entries.

Your code has a few problems, but I suspect the biggest issue is the use of SendKeys '^v' to paste into Excel. You're better off selecting the cell you want then using Selection.Paste. Or even better, transfer the contents of the clipboard to a variable, then parse it out as needed on the backend before writing to your spreadsheet--but that adds a bunch of complexity and doesn't help you a lot in this case.

To use the code below, be sure to select your 'Acrobat x.x Type Library' under Tools>References.

Note: 1-There is also a menu item oPDFApp.MenuItemExecute ('CopyFileToClipboard') that should do the select all and copy in one step, but I have had problems with it so I stick to the two-step method above.

2-A pdf file consists of two objects, the oAVDoc and the oPDDoc. Different aspects of the file are controlled by each. In this case you might only need the oAVDoc. Try commenting out the lines dealing with oPDDoc and see if it works without them.


I can't quite get your code to work, but my guess is that it's copying all of the data, but overwriting it each time through the loop. To fix this try:

instead of the two lines that begin activesheet.range('A1').Select and Selection.End....

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Copy From Pdf To Excel 2016

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NOW Why I am copying data from pdf to word & then copying from word and pasting it to the excel because i want the data from the pdf in exact format to my excel sheet if i copy directly from pdf to excel it will paste the whole data from pdf into a single cell means even if i am having two columns or multiple rows it will paste all of my data into one column and that too in single cell but if i copy from word to excel it will retain its original format and two columns will get pasted as two columns only in excel.


This is the more modified version of my above code it will not save any document it will save data in clipboard and will do the execution fast..

Copy Table From Pdf To Excel Mac


Copy Pdf To Excel

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