1. Adobe License Limit Reached
  2. Adobe Limit Reached Download
  3. Adobe Limit Reached Free
  4. Message Size Limit Reached

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Learn how to troubleshoot activation limit reached or sign-in failed errors for non-subscription products such as Adobe Creative Suite 6.


If you get an 'Activation limit reached' or similar error in a Creative Cloud app, see Creative Cloud 'Activation limit reached' or 'Sign in failed' error for solutions.

To resolve other activation errors in Creative Cloud, see Troubleshoot Creative Cloud activation errors.

When you launch an Adobe app, you get an error stating that sign-in failed, there is an activation limit, or the maximum number of activations has been exceeded. These errors occur if you try to use the app on too many computers. To resolve the error, follow the steps in the subsequent sections.

CS6, CS5, CS4, Acrobat XI, Acrobat X, or Acrobat 9

A single license for Adobe CS6 and earlier applications lets you install an app on two computers. However, you can use the application on only one computer at a time.

To install the application on a third computer, deactivate the application on the computer on which you no longer want to use the software. Then, activate it on the new computer.

Adobe License Limit Reached

Maximum window limit reached

1. Can't access your old computer? If you can't access your previous computer (for example, you reformatted the hard drive or lost the computer), don't worry. We can help you deactivate your app from your old device. Make sure that you have your serial number or Adobe ID handy, and then contact us.

Adobe Limit Reached

2. Uninstalled your app without deactivating? Uninstalling the app from a computer does not necessarily deactivate its license. If you uninstalled your app and are getting a message that you've exceeded your activation limit, try reinstalling the app on the old computer. Then, follow the steps below to deactivate the app on the old computer and activate it on your new one.

3. Want to deactivate your application?Deactivation disconnects an application from a valid user license. Once deactivated, you can reactivate at any time, if you choose. You do not need to uninstall an application from your computer to deactivate it. Uninstalling an application does not necessarily deactivate its license.

4. Want to verify and troubleshoot license issues? The Adobe Licensing Website (LWS) provides account information for Adobe Buying Programs customers. Use the LWS to find serial numbers, track orders, view purchase histories, check upgrade entitlements and points, change or add account contacts and information, merge accounts, and download software.

Have a different issue? If you are having a different activation problem, see Activation and deactivation troubleshooting or Activation or connection error | CS3, Acrobat 8.

If you have an Acrobat DC subscription, see Creative Cloud 'Activation limit reached' or 'Sign in failed' error.

If you have a stand-alone, non-subscription version of Acrobat DC, you can use the app on up to two computers. To use Acrobat on a third computer, simply sign out of Acrobat on one of the other computers.


You must be connected to the Internet for these steps to work.

  1. Connect to the Internet and launch the app on one of your other computers.

  1. On the old computer, connect to the Internet, and then launch the app.

  2. On the new computer, connect to the Internet, and then launch the app.

  3. Choose Help > Activate. For more information on Activation, see Activate and deactivate products.

CS3, Acrobat 8, Acrobat 3D, Audition 3, or earlier products

A single license for Adobe CS3, Acrobat 8, and earlier applications lets you install an app on two computers. However, you can use the application on only one computer at a time.

Adobe Limit Reached Download

Our aging activation servers for earlier versions of Acrobat and Creative Suite (CS) applications had to be retired. Without the activation servers, these applications display an activation or connection error when trying to verify a license. To install a version that doesn't require activation, see either Error: 'Activation Server Unavailable' | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3 or Activation or connection error | CS3, Acrobat 8.

Affected applications include: Creative Suite 2 and 3 applications, Audition 3, Acrobat 7 and 8 (Standard and Professional), and Acrobat 3D Version 8.

If you have any questions regarding the procedures listed in this article, contact Adobe Customer Care.

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Adobe Limit Reached Free

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Jan 12, 2010

Message Size Limit Reached

Currently, activating Adobe software has a limit on the number of deactivations that can occur. For all Adobe activating software (including Acrobat-based products), that deactivation limit is 20. Starting January 15th, the deactivation limit will no longer be enforced.
Deactivations are useful when installing the software on a new system. Adobe’s license agreements stipulate that the software can be installed on two different systems at any one time. Activation is intended to enforce this license agreement. When installing on a new system it is often necessary to remove the software from older systems. That removal is tracked by deactivating the software on the old system prior to removing it.
The deactivation limit has caused numerous problems and I’m very happy to see it go. As stated above, we should go live on the a new activation server implementation on January 15th that completely removes the deactivation limit. Although deactivation is still necessary (which causes some other problems), there should no longer be any limit to the number of deactivations.
In email discussions with a couple of readers I mentioned that this implementation may go live as late as March. I’m happy to say that we were able to certify and post it earlier.
Note that this affects software as far back as Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Acrobat 8.
Update: Per one of the comments, here’s a URL for getting help from adobe.com
Contacts at adobe.com for support.