The Ultimate Online Calculator Resource

  • Graph Almost Anything from High School Math GraphFree is an incredibly flexible online graphing tool, boasting capabilities not found even in the most popular graphing calculators. Whether you’re a teacher who wants to make better graphs for tests, or a student looking for homework help, GraphFree is made for you.
  • Creating a graph with GraphFree boils down to two main steps. First, select a Plot Type and use the calculator buttons from the panel at the left to enter the data for your function(s) in the upper right hand panel. Second, select what type of grid you want to use and customize the options in the lower right hand panel.
  • TeraPlot Graphing Software. TeraPlot scientific plotting software gives you everything you need for publication quality graph plotting in science and engineering. At its core is the ability to create 2D and 3D plots based on tabular data and/or mathematical expressions.

GraphCalc is the leading provider of free online calculators with more than 450 different calculators and unit conversion tools in subjects like math, finance, investing, health & fitness, and everyday utilities.

Math function graphing in 2D and 3D in a range of coordinate systems. Education If you're an educator or student seeking function graphing software, you'll find TeraPlot an excellent tool for demonstrating and exploring many mathematical concepts in 2D and 3D.

Graphing Software Program

Whether you are a student, professional, or just someone who want to know the answer, we have the tools and resources for you. We have calculators for everything!

Free Online Calculators

Here is a list of the best free online calculators that we offer. Each has different functions, features, and capabilities. Which would you like to use today?

In addition to these calculator types, we offer many different guides and helpful information to compute just about any formula or unit conversion. See our guides for more info.

Windows 2D/3D Graphing Calculator Software

GraphCalc Version 4.0.1 Released November 24, 2003

Graphing Software Program

This release fixes two bugs: one critical, one not. The number of decimal points of the output format was not being saved and now it is. Also, there was an error in the calculation of variance and standard deviations. You figure out which was more important.

GraphCalc 0.0.1 for Linux, Released November 12, 2003

Well, no guarantees that I know what I’m doing yet… but here is a semi-stable release of the development I’m doing on GraphCalc for Linux. Please don’t even attempt using this unless you are decent at installing software on Linux, as the process is a little tricky. Also, please don’t use it for any mission critical applications.

2 Years in the making: GraphCalc 4.0, Released November 3, 2003

After two years of on-again, off-again work, GraphCalc has finally released a stable version called 4.0. Check out all the new wonderfulness that the beta testers have been using for all this time.

GraphCalc lives: Version 4.0 beta Released October 8, 2003

Despite popular opinion, this project did not fall off the face of the earth. In fact, it is in the process of a rebirth. Thanks to our users for suggestioning new features. This release is just a couple minor bug fixes though. Checkout our download page and stay tuned for the upcoming Linux version!

Software For Graphing

GraphCalc source code released April 4, 2003

GraphCalc has decided to release the sourcecode to the Windows version of GraphCalc 4.0alpha under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Simultaneously, an effort to create a linux version of GraphCalc has begun using the QT libraries and a KDE like interface. A million thanks to SourceForge for these features:

  • Project hosting
  • CVS Repository of source code
  • Mailing Lists
    • gcalc-announce – announcements
    • gcalc-users – users help users
    • gcalc-devel – developers help developers
  • See the Project page for a bagillion other helpful features

Version 4.0 alpha 1 Released Novemeber 19, 2001


New features include:

  • Infobar and Toolbar
  • 2D Parametric Graphing
  • N-Slider for 2D graphing
  • Improved Find Area function
  • CTRL-Left Click + Drag on 2D Graphs
  • New User Interface for creating animations

Version 3.1b, Released November 19, 2001

New features include:

  • None! – It’s just free now 🙂

User Comments


Recently, we have been flooded with emails from people telling us how much they love GraphCalc. We’ve assembled a handful of their testimonials here.

History of GraphCalc

In January of 1999 GraphCalc started as a project to keep us occupied when we were not busy with other commitments. We have been working hard on it, some say too hard, to make a simple and easy to use graphing calculator for windows that is rich in features.

If the Windows calculator just isn’t getting the job done, or you don’t want to pay $100 for a little monochrome display handheld calculator, download GraphCalc for free and see for yourself how easy it is to graph an equation or find out what 345.4327 is in binary!