Expand all48 lectures01:41:32
2 lectures00:34

Learn To Write Grants With The Ultimate Grant Writing That Gets Funded Online Training! PLEASE NOTE: All of our trainings are by invitation only.Those interested in being considered as a potential student are encouraged to sign-up for our FREE webinar to learn more and to book a time to speak with one of our grant coaches to discuss a customized curriculum to meet your personal needs. Grant Writing USA's compensation is from registrations and Grant Writing USA solely takes the financial risk. How many free seats do I get? You'll start with two free seats then, for every ten paid enrollments we receive, you'll get another free seat. You're welcome to use or give away those seats.

This file provides an overview of the lessons you'll cover in Federal Grant Writing 101.

1.3 MB
+2014 Updated Information on the Grants.gov Registration Process
The Grants.gov Registration Process - Updated for 2014
2 pages
1 page
Step 1: Obtain a DUNS Number for Your Organization
1 page
1 page
1 page
1 page
3 lectures09:12
3 pages
Free Grant Writing Training
3 questions
+Understanding the Guidelines and the Peer Review Process

This is the marked-up NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) for you to review. It is the same one that I used in my lecture.

Exhibit For Lecture 7 Spotting Critical Information In A NOFA

This exhibit is a supplement to Spotting Critical Information to Guide You in Writing the Grant Application.

63.8 kB
Exhibit For Lecture 8 Youth Build Grant Application Instructions
Outlining The Grant Writing Requirements For Your Grant Application
Understanding the Guidelines and the Peer Review Process Quiz
3 lectures00:00
American Fact Finder Tutorial For Researching Your Statement Of Need
Links For State Departments Of Health And Agriculture Research
344.6 kB
4 questions
3 lectures08:40
Other Research Links For Your Statement Of Need Narrative
4 questions
13 lectures11:49
84.1 kB
3 Types Of Objectives For A Winning Grant Proposal
264.1 kB
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104.5 kB
Grant writing class near me
52.0 kB

This is a sample of how to write a sustainability statement. This sample also includes a statement on evaluation findings' dissemination. Often, grant funding agencies will query how your organization will share its evaluation findings with the public-at-large.

43.6 kB
14 questions
+Summing Up Your Needs - Implementation Strategies - Evaluation Plan

This section is written last using a copy/paste approach from your edited/proofed and completed grant application narrative. Always follow the funding agency guidelines. While you will write this last, it will usually be placed at the beginning of your grant application narrative.


Free Grant Writing Classes

3 lectures00:00
1.3 MB
41.0 kB
219.1 kB
2 lectures00:00

Federal Grant Writing Workshops

How To Fill Out Federal Grant Application Forms Tutorial

Free Federal Grant Writing Training

Sample Of Federal Grant Applications Certifications And Assurances