Bw On Hana Tutorial Pdf

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  3. Bw On Hana Tutorial Pdf Free
  • SAP BW on HANA Tutorial

Bw On Hana Tutorial Pdf Download

  • SAP BW on HANA Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

SAP Business Warehouse (BW) powered by SAP HANA refers to using BW software suite on top of HANA database. This functionality explores all the key features of HANA database technologies and uses BW as a modeling tool for data modeling and analytical reporting. BW software supports various databases like Oracle, Microsoft, IBM DB2, Teradata, and many more. BW on HANA suggests that you are using HANA as database for BW data modeling capabilities and no other database is required.

Sap Bw On Hana Tutorial

The Main Server in SAP HANA database is Index Server and other Servers are Name Server, Statistics Server, Preprocessor Server and XS Engine, which is used to communicate and host small web applications and various other components. Class Summary SAP BI (Business Intelligence) is a leading data warehousing and reporting tool. It helps convert raw data into information and insights that help improve business margins. The pre-requisite of this course is the knowledge of SAP BW. If you do not know BW yet or if you aren’t confident on it, I recommend that you go through the BW on HANA tutorial. Coding languages induce fear in many and BW tends to involve a lot of customizations and routines to make sure your data flows are in line with your client’s needs. SAP BW/4HANA has introduced a new era in data warehousing at SAP. Further steps towards simplification, flexibility, and performance are now possible with SAP HANA as the proven technological basis. SAP BW/4HANA offers modern concepts for data management, operation, and modeling and thus opens the door for fully innovative application scenarios. Jun 04, 2016  SAP HANA Online training (Reach Us @ SAP HANA & BW 7.5 On HANA Training & Certification Program, For Course Content click below or FILL t.

This tutorial has been prepared for those having advanced level knowledge on SAP BW functions and SAP HANA Native modeling. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in maintaining BW on top of HANA database, and exploring some key capabilities on BW powered by HANA.

Bw On Hana Tutorial Pdf Free

Before you start proceeding with this tutorial, we assume that you are well-versed with basic BW and HANA concepts, like DataStore Objects (DSO), Data Transformations, InfoCubes, Query optimization, HANA Modeling and HANA DB features using HANA Studio. If you are not aware of these concepts, then we recommend that you first go through our tutorials on BW and HANA.